Elements of the program

Important elements of the programme include the creation of the university's Science Park and the Universitas Industrial Park, one of the largest investment areas in the country, which can help accelerate local transport development and attract working capital.
The programme will also open the way for infrastructure developments that will improve the security and quality of utilities in the region.
The aim of the science and innovation park to be established in Pécs is to prepare the location of companies operating in industries based on innovative knowledge and technologies with high investment and employment potential on the knowledge base of the university, and the Science Park will provide high-quality service and support functions. The Science Park also aims to strengthen the entrepreneurial and economic development function of PTE and to enhance its role as a regional science university.
The Science Park will include key laboratories for the local economy and the university, as well as coworking spaces for PTE researchers, students and local economic actors to engage in research, development and innovation.
In addition, incubation activities will be developed to put the knowledge accumulated at the university into practice. All the faculties of PTE are involved in these developments. The aim is to develop innovative ideas, start-ups, research and development projects in an inspiring and modern environment, both nationally and internationally, to become competitive and useful for society and the economy.
The Universitas Industrial Park is Hungary's largest free industrial development area with 600 hectares, which can be adapted to the needs of the planned investment, and the area has the largest labour reserve in the country.
The developer of the industrial park, the Universitas Quinqueecclesiensis Foundation, is the maintainer of one of the largest universities in the country, the University of Pécs, so in addition to the vocational training background, higher education and research and development resources and cooperation opportunities are also provided. The area has an excellent utility infrastructure and logistical infrastructure, with major rail, road and airport connections, with direct and short access to the ports of the Northern Adriatic Sea.

Thanks to the programme, the region's transportation will benefit from more than HUF 250 billion in the coming years.
Key projects such as the extension of the M60 motorway, the widening of the main road No 6, as well as other transport improvements to ensure smooth access to the 600 hectares of industrial park will be implemented. In addition, improvements will be made to ensure a stable and sustainable utility supply to the industrial park and the surrounding municipalities, thus ensuring the long-term security of energy and drinking water supply in the area.