About the Foundation
The University of Pécs, which was also the first university in Hungary, has played a prominent role in Hungarian scientific and educational life for centuries. It is not only a centre for the preservation and transfer of knowledge, but also a key stage of innovation, development and socio-economic cooperation.
In August 2021, a new era began in the life of the institution, when the Universitas Quinqueecclesiensis Foundation took over the role of the university's maintenance body. The Foundation's aim is to support the University's ambitions, to help it develop its potential and to explore areas for further development, which will also serve the advancement of its students
The past period has shown that the change of model has opened up new horizons, giving the institution greater autonomy, more flexibility and new resources. The number of students has already exceeded 24 000, and the quality of its 1 400 teachers, researchers and 10 faculties has enabled it to rank highly in national and international rankings year after year.